The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum aiming to develop the work of individual children according to their age and ability.

The National Curriculum states that the following subjects should be taught in all maintained schools:

English, Mathematics, Science and Information Technology (the core subjects).

Art, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education and Design and Technology form the Foundation Curriculum. Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education is also taught.

Standard Assessment Tasks (SAT’s) are administered to pupils at the end of Key Stage 1 (end of Year 2 – age 7) and at the end of Key Stage 2 (end of Year 6 – age 11). Children at the end of Years 3, 4 and 5 are also tested through the β€˜SAT’ procedure but the results are not published.

Reading is taught systematically to all children in order that they develop the skills they will need to read with fluency and understanding.Β  There is a well-established collection of books of all kinds and this plays a vital part in the work of the school.Β  Children are able to borrow books and they are encouraged to make proper use of the libraries. Handwriting is taught.Β  During their daily literacy lesson, children write on a wide variety of topics and develop the ability to spell and punctuate.Β  They are encouraged to discuss ideas and to communicate clearly with others in both speech and writing.

The daily dedicated numeracy lesson is regarded as important and receives high priority. It is linked with work in measurement, shape and graphical representation. Β Mathematics apparatus is widely used and practical work is undertaken to help the children’s understanding and perception of the subject.

Our science work is aimed at helping the children become more aware of the world around them, encompassing both the natural world and man’s influence upon it.Β  This is achieved by encouraging the development of an enquiring mind and a scientific approach to problem solving.

Topic work among the younger children includes work that will pave the way for later studies and involves a good deal of cross-curricular activities.Β  The work uses children’s natural curiosity, encourages them to think critically and develops a logical approach to solving problems.Β  Children are helped to plan their work and are given the experience of working in a group or as part of a team and individually.

As well as being taught the necessary skills, much of the children’s work in Art and Craft arises naturally from topic and environmental work.Β  Children learn to look at things carefully and develop an awareness of colour, pattern and shape.Β  They use materials of all kinds including paints, inks, dyes, fabrics, wood and clay.

Children are taught about the lives of famous composers, both classical and modern. They have the opportunity to listen to and appreciate good Music, to take part in group singing and to play a variety of instruments, including tuned and untuned percussion.Β  Music, movement and drama are often linked.

The hall is equipped with large apparatus and our Physical Education programme includes gymnastics and games, for which the necessary skills are developed.Β  Children take part in inter-school games, tournaments, music festivals and science activity days. Swimming is taught at Corringham Leisure Centre.

Religious Education

Children are taught religious education through the agreed policy adopted by Thurrock Borough Council.Β  It contains a mix of implicit and explicit RE material and, while focussing on Christianity, also helps the children to understand other people’s faiths and beliefs. Parents who wish for their children to be withdrawn from Religious Education and Assemblies should contact the Head Teacher.

Relationship and Sex Education