Key Stage 1 – Religious Education


Knowledge, skills and understanding


AT1 – Learning about religion and belief

Pupils should be taught to:

  • Explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meaning.


  • Name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion noting the similarities where appropriate.


  • Identify the importance, for some people, of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives.


  • Explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts and communicate their responses.


  • Identify and suggest meanings for religious symbols and begin to use a range of religious terms and ideas.


Learning from Religion and Belief (AT2)

Pupils should be taught to:


  • Reflect on and consider religious and spiritual feelings, experiences and concepts such as worship, wonder, praise, thanks, concern, joy and sadness.


  • Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling questions, communicating their ideas.


  • Identify what matters to them and others including those with religious commitments, and communicate their responses.


  • Reflect on how spiritual and moral values relate to their own behaviour.


  • Recognise that religious teachings and ideas make a difference to individuals, families and the local community.


Key Stage 2 – Religious Education

Knowledge, skills and understanding

AT1 – Learning about religion and belief


  • Describe the key aspects of religions, especially people, stories and traditions that influence beliefs and values.


  • Describe the variety of practices and ways of life in religions and understand how these stem from, and are closely connected to beliefs and teachings.


  • Identify and begin to describe the similarities and the differences between religions.


  • Investigate the significance of religion in the local, national and global communities.


  • Consider the meaning of a range of forms of religious expression, understand why they are important in religion and note links between them.


  • Describe and understand religious and other responses to ultimate and ethical questions.


  • Use specialist vocabulary in communicating their knowledge and understanding.


  • Use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources.


Learning from Religion and Belief (AT2)


Pupils should be taught to:


  • Reflect on what it means to belong to a faith community, communicating their own and others’ responses.


  • Respond to the challenges of commitment both in their own lives and within religious traditions, recognising how commitment to a religion is shown in a variety of ways.


  • Discuss their own and others’ views of religious truth and belief, expressing their own ideas.


  • Reflect on right and wrong in their own and others’ responses to them.


  • Reflect on sources of inspiration in their own and others’ lives.