Little J’s Nursery can admit 30 children per session. This number is based on the ratio of one adult to four children for our two year olds and one adult to eight children for 3-4 year olds.
We offer a limited amount of 30 hour spaces. The majority of children attend for 15 hours per week.
Children are admitted in accordance with our admissions criteria, a copy of which is available on request. Children will be funded the term after their third birthday. Places will be offered with a deadline for acceptance. If places are not taken up within the deadline, then the next child on the list will be offered the place.
It is important to realise that a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place for your child in the main school. You need to apply to the Local Area Education Office for a place in the main school before your child is due to start school, regardless of whether you are in or out of catchment area.
For information about our nursery or to apply for a place please call the school on 01375-675889 or email [email protected]